The Mayo Clinic Wellness Solutions for Insomnia is a kit that includes a DVD that was produced by GAIAM, a company known for its many yoga and pilates instructional videos and associated accessories, among other things.
The Mayo Clinic Wellness Solutions for Insomnia DVD was designed in conjunction with dietitians from the Mayo Clinic in order to better understand the causes of insomnia and develop a better strategy for overcoming it. It is focused primarily on environmental factors that may be contributing to your sleeplessness. It first helps you to be able to recognize what they are and then coaches you throughout the process of building coping skills that will allow you to rise above those factors and obtain the rest you need.
Some of the coping skills introduced and discussed within the Mayo Clinic Wellness Solutions for Insomnia include stress reduction, dietary change recommendations and meditation.
The Mayo Clinic Wellness Solutions for Insomnia DVD features a thirty minute conversation with specialists from the Mayo Clinic which is meant to act as a form of digital consultation with dietitians from the same respected organization. This is meant to help you as the viewer to be able to understand your condition and design your eating habits around it in order to cater to a better sleep. This includes what you should likely eat as well as what will probably be best to avoid.
Beyond that, the video also includes an instruction from respected yoga and meditation instructor, Rodney Yee. That segment of the video offers relaxation poses that are specific to various conditions that may be getting in the way of your ability to sleep, in addition to instructions through certain meditation exercises. Those meditations are meant to help to ease tension in the muscles while boosting circulation.
The second part of the kit is a stress management workbook. It is 52 pages long and is meant to be used in conjunction with the instructions from the DVD in order to take a more aware and active role in adjusting the factors within your control that are causing harm to your sleep habits.
The Mayo Clinic Wellness Solutions for Insomnia kit was created in a collaboration between GAIAM and the Mayo Clinic. Each segment of the disk and of the book places a focus on a different issue and action plan that can be taken in order to cope with it. The total length of time of the video material is 90 minutes, including all the various components of the kit.
[…] This is a type of medication known as a barbiturate. It functions by slowing down the central nervous system – the nerves of the body and brain – in order to provide sedation before surgery, or as a short-term treatment for the symptoms of insomnia. […]